

Turning 30 and I thought that I might have something of interest to tell the world. Comments are always welcomed!

September 25, 2005


~Another hiatus... and not much new to speak of...

~This past month has seemed to drag on and on, and with little progress on any front. I guess that's the definition of being in a rut, according to the dictionary o' dumas. The things that I want just seem a bit beyond my grasp, this is unfamiliar territory. It's not like everything in life has been handed to me, I've worked for it all, but I've always managed to be in the right place at the right time. Lately I feel like I'm watching the clock religiously waiting for the right time to show up. A psychic once told me to be thankful for the delays in my life, they are always to my benefit. I guess I'll just wait and see.

~Anywho, this is by no means a woe as me post. I'm very fortunate in my own right. I have my health, my family, my Marshall, a great job with tons of flexibility, a decent roof over my head, food in the fridge and of course, my Ajay. I have all fo the pieces of the puzzle, I just need to put them together to make it whole.

~Now that fall is here, I am certainly smiling more :) This is definitely my favourite time of year, the colour changes in the leaves, the smell of decay in the air lol. It just doesn't get much better than this! The only sad spot is that it's a precursor to winter... blah, snow, blah.

~Hopefully this post finds you all well. Take a deep breath and inhale all of the beauty...

September 16, 2005

Long Time No Post...

~ It's been quite a stretch since I could be bothered to sit down and add a new post. It's not been for lack of time, or energy. It's been an awkward and trying couple of weeks. With Ajay finishing his degree, and looking for a job, my waterbed flooding the kitchen floor, my own workload exploding and bursting at the seams, I can't be bothered to do anything that involves needless effort :)

~ Today however, it's finally Friday... my backpack is weighed down by my laptop and the multitude of files that I've brought home, but there is something so warming about not having to get up tomorrow and trudge into the office. I've also got dinner plans tonight with some of the girls... so nice when we get together. It's the monthly Alumnae Chapter of the Omega Pi Sorority meeting. These "meetings" always involve food, or a fun activity and somewhere in the mix we manage to get some business done too. It's a nice way to continue to contribute to the Sorority over the years without having to actually surround myself with 18 year olds :)

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