Five Days
~ So the first question that comes to mind this morning is: "What the hell are my titles going to be after the big day?" Do I begin the count down to 40? I don't really see 40 as being so bad, not after 30 at least. Perhaps by the time 39 rolls around I'll see it differently.
~ Today so far has been a bullshit day. This morning just as I was leaving the house to head for work, I let Marshall in the house and he proceeded to give me a nice kiss right up the front of my pink shirt. His kisses are often covered in mud you see. So I had to make a mad dash to grab something else clean and hussle my ass out the door to the bus stop. Where I was just in time to grab a seat next to a screaming 4 year old, whose mother seemed oblivious to his antics. Thank god for my .mp3 player! It barely saved my sanity. By the way, mp3 is 10 years old today. (thanks Ajay for the update).
~ My dear friend, we'll call her Shaniqua for her protection, has been asking me what I'd like to do to celebrate the big 20/10, but I've been at a loss for ideas. I do know that I don't want some crazy blow out where everyone I've known, but haven't spoken to for the past 15 years, is there partying the night away. Something low key, surrounded by good friends, old stories and a couple of girlie drinks should be just nice. Shaniqua seems to think that I'm being too laissez-faire about the whole thing... but the reality of it is... my family is unavailable to participate for various reasons, my boyfriend remains out of town for school, and the damn thing falls on a Wednesday night. What the hell is there to be excited about. I'm willing to settle for her and I going out to grab a bite... but she thinks that's too common. My family has offered to have a bbq the following weekend, when they "think" they're all available. I guess the thing is that every year, for as long as I can remember, this is how it's been... things just don't come together. Someone, or something is always missing from that day... yet year after year I anticipate it coming, in hopes that one of these times it'll go right. What are ya gonna do? :) Have a couple of drinks and hold out for 31!
~ Off to do the work thing...
Update: Next Wednesday night I'm going to go and drink my face off...

shaniqua....nice name..should check the actual pronounciation..i am sure i am doing it
Sha - knee - kwa
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