Four More

~ So when you live in the land of much snow and ice, where you can anticipate being dumped upon for up to 6 months out of the year, it's hard to complain about hot, sunny weather. On the other hand, when your house heats up like a gigantic oven, that's nearly impossible to cool down... it's damn easy! I've looked into air conditioners, but the initial cost, and then on top of the electrical to operate 10,000 BTU's of sweet, sweet cold air, is a bit much on the budget. That leaves me with three options: 1. throw a tent up on the front lawn ( the only area I have access to here ) where at least Mother Nature is tossing around the occassional breeze, 2. Fill the tub up with cold water and ice cubes, don my swim suit and splash around for a couple of hours with Marshall or 3. Go and buy another fan... a powerful, magical contraption that WILL cool my house down, or at the very least this room, or it shall be returned for a full refund :)
~ Four days and counting... starting to feel better about the whole thing... maybe I'm in the acceptance stage now. lol, going through the death of my twenties.... the peak of my youth. Until just this moment, I hadn't thought of it that way... but when you give it some consideration, it's plausible. I was sad, angry, I even bargained with myself that if I didn't celebrate that I could just "forget" that it even happened and I could stay 29 until someone else made a big enough deal about it that I couldn't "forget" any longer. And now I'm entering acceptance... it's gonna happen, so I might aswell enjoy it. What a nutjob :)

You are not a man until you are 30.
On your climate.
Your adjustments to the structure of your house can give you more ventilation.
Consider these structural adjustments.
Thanks for the sentiments... I guess I should note though that this package comes with boobs... :)
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