Extra Loooong Weekends Are For Lovers
~The worst part of a long distance relationship, I think, is having to leave them once your visit is over. For me, there's no worse feeling than watching him walk away. Bloody depressing it is. But you know, there is something to be said for long distance relationships and having that excited feeling whenever you're together. There's always newness, always something to be shared, and if you use your imagination - everything else is heightented too. ;)
~Just spent an extra long weekend with Ajay, helping him move. Had a great time, and love the new place. Can't believe that I was subjected to manual labour though!!! lol - if only there were pictures! Alas we were far too busy hightailing it out of Dardan Street and away from psycho Dom, aka landlord from hell to be worried about taking pictures. And by the time we got finished with the move we were dead tired... I think we'll only managed about two drinks each before we passed out. However we did uphold my family's tradition of dirty bird for dinner on moving day, something my body paid me back for for the next two days!
~I didn't even mind the 5.5 hour bus ride this time, on the way there I was so excited to see Ajay as it had already been a month, and on the way home again, I was so overtired that most of the ride I didn't even realize where I was.
~One of the best moments of the entire weekend was when we were packing his things and he showed me a packaged mint from the first time we went to dinner at Vito's. I thought that was such a sweet thing, especially for a man to do. I love that side of him, ever thoughtful, ever caring, and without question, ever loving.
~Second to that moment that I hope I remember always, was when my mom picked me up. She brought Marshall with her, who looked a little dazed when they began walking in my direction, until he was about 20 feet away and he recognized me. That was it! He bolted, dragging mom behind him, across the parking lot and gave me the wettest kisses I've ever had. It was such a great moment. I love having that kind of connection with my dog.

Now I know why I've always hired a company to move me. It sounds like way too much work for an old fart like me.
I had a long distance relationship with a woman who is now my wife. I guess I was one of the lucky ones?
You got it right fred, next time i am hiring movers, its too painful but then i couldnt afford movers but hopefully next time i can. Once i find a job, i should be good.
Thanks for all your help Dumas. You do know you are the best right?
Fred: who knows what the future holds ;) I just may join you in that club
Ajay: I know... but I still love hearing it... no need to stop anytime soon, k? :)
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