Old Ladies Night

Shaniqua and I arrived late, which we've been doing together for the past ten years! Shaniqua has never, ever been on time! But it's ok, I think the rest of our friends have come to realize that if Shaniqua is in tow, that we're destined to be late. The event was hosted at Willamenias place in Clayton Park, plenty of room, plenty of free parking. The attendees included; Calista, Willamenia, Saunita, Savage, Shaniqua and I. Four of us having been having these get togethers for years, the difference now is that we don't come arm loads full with booze! Hence 'The Old Ladies Night'.
You'd swear that we were bringing food for twenty people... we all stuffed ourselves and then threw our bloated bodies down on top of the sofas and watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Funny, funny stuff... but not much in the way of a story line.
The night ended around 11:30ish... lol... 11:30?? We used to stay out till all of the bars closed, including the after parties with the staff. We'd get in around 7-8am, hell some days I'd have to work on Saturday morning at 8:30am. These days however, we've all got husbands, boyfriends, kids or pets that draw us home at more reasonable hours.
Thank god for that. :)
n.b. names have been changed for their protection ;)

Love the picture..lol..and i bet the food was good too..
Yes, life does change with all those added relationships.
I also rememeber being able to go out most of the night, then zipping into work the next morning with a minor headache, but no other problems. Now, if I don't have my seven hours of sleep, I'm a cranky SOB.
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