To Tell Or Not To Tell

~Have you ever felt as though you had bought the "perfect gift" for someone, and then had to wait to give it to them? Some people have said that I am the best gift giver, because I can find something for someone that suits them or the situation so well that they may not have even thought of it as something they might ever want, but after receiving it can't imagine being without it. Sounds like I'm tooting my own horn here, but really, what that does is put a lot of pressure on me whenever there's a need for a gift. Secretly I love the challenge :)
~I went out and got Ajay's birthday gift last night. It was not what I had intended to buy, infact it's much better! I think that I was really lucky to find what I did, and offer much thanks to Shaniqua for the use of her membership card which allowed me access to the store. I had consulted a few people on this gift before making my purchase so, many thanks to all of you aswell.
~I don't think that this gift is the "perfect gift" for Ajay, but I am certain that he will at the very least, sport a nice smile when he opens it. I think that he may have to wait for Diwali or Christmas for the perfect gift.
~I love giving gifts, love seeing the joy it brings to people to know not only that they've been thought of, but that someone took the time to carefully consider what gift is most suited to them. The trouble is... it's killing me to wait and give it to him! I won't see Ajay again for two weeks, even though his birthday is on August 11th. I honestly don't know if I can hold out from telling him... maybe I should move it to another room, or my parents place to try and forget about it? lol, in the past I have been known to give Christmas gifts a week early because I was so excited. That is one of the main reasons that I leave my shopping as late as I can. Some people assume that everyone who is out last minute shopping is desperate, or willing to get "whatever" because the season is upon them. Now you know there is another breed among the deer in the headlights shoppers you see on December 24th in the malls.
~Should I tell him what it is, or wait for him to open it?

I know the feeling. When I was in Europe this summer, I bought a few things at Harrod's for our 20th wedding anniversary, which is in August, 2006.
Everyone tells me The Missus will kick my butt when she finds out that I've been sitting on it for so long, but I'm determined to hide it until then.
I let you know how it goes next year.
good lord... a year?? impossible... I couldn't do it. good luck Fred, I hope she doesn't uncover it and it turns out to be a great surprise!
I can never wait after buying a gift early
I got here via your banner :)
I'm crap at keeping presents a secret! I have given up even trying..
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